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Old May 30, 2006, 11:06 PM // 23:06   #121
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POSTED BY: Rivalor
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:24 PM // 23:24   #122
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yay! Egyptian stylee ftw!

I hope we get stargate style Serpent warrior armors
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:32 PM // 23:32   #123
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argh i wanted like hmm everything to be like heavenish kind of look. but african would be pretty cool though i guess. we'll justs have to wait and see waht its like. or how about underwater kinda
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:34 PM // 23:34   #124
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That would rock. Nightfall I believe, new classes and perhaps being able to be a Tengu and or charr maybe? The egpytian part would rock.
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:40 PM // 23:40   #125
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Originally Posted by Snowman
yay! Egyptian stylee ftw!

I hope we get stargate style Serpent warrior armors
hahah that'll be kool

just on a side note, havnt you noticed some of the storyline of the original gw seem like the story line from stargate?

ie the ascention, when someone in stargate ascends, they become all powerful, i think anet tried to copy similar idea
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:40 PM // 23:40   #126
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Originally Posted by Pi_Numurian
That would rock. Nightfall I believe, new classes and perhaps being able to be a Tengu and or charr maybe? The egpytian part would rock.
wtf would tengu or charr have to do with egypt or africa. Ive been reading the other thread and im for sphynx pets!!! woot!
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:43 PM // 23:43   #127
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Originally Posted by captainccc
wtf would tengu or charr have to do with egypt or africa. Ive been reading the other thread and im for sphynx pets!!! woot!
What have Tengu and Charr to do with medieval European settings (Prophecies) and those same Tengu reemerge in Cantha.
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:48 PM // 23:48   #128
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Originally Posted by snikerz
hahah that'll be kool

just on a side note, havnt you noticed some of the storyline of the original gw seem like the story line from stargate?

ie the ascention, when someone in stargate ascends, they become all powerful, i think anet tried to copy similar idea
"Ascending" applies to MANY things, not just Stargate.
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:51 PM // 23:51   #129
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I hope more Africa > Egypt.. they could do an Egyptian one latter that way
Egypt theme been done more then Africa native theme.
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Old May 30, 2006, 11:51 PM // 23:51   #130
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Originally Posted by Tijger
What have Tengu and Charr to do with medieval European settings (Prophecies) and those same Tengu reemerge in Cantha.
But why take a monster so early in the game and make it so you can play it. Wouldnt it be a LITTLE smater to introduce new classes to atract more people....ZOMG CHAR PWNAGE...to bad the only thing char and tengu play as are proff's that are already played. T__T
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Old May 31, 2006, 12:11 AM // 00:11   #131
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that second one definitely looks like i could be from a savannah...
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Old May 31, 2006, 12:37 AM // 00:37   #132
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There are/were more than two distinct cultures than "african" and egyptian on the continent of africa.
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Old May 31, 2006, 12:40 AM // 00:40   #133
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Didn't they also mention Persian settings...because of that I think of Nightfall as like we're going to be getting Prince of Persia or Aladdin.
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Old May 31, 2006, 12:47 AM // 00:47   #134
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Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Didn't they also mention Persian settings...because of that I think of Nightfall as like we're going to be getting Prince of Persia or Aladdin.
Answer to travel the map faster: not by pressing "M", but by Magic Carpet (just Kidding). Native African theme would be original I can say. If it Egypt, ok, one of my favorite Mythology time for GW, but Persia, I just hope the the Great Evil isn't a big red Djinn/Genie or Vizier (Kilbhrone?) who want to conquer the throne.... or 40 thieve lol
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Old May 31, 2006, 12:48 AM // 00:48   #135
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"Sentries have come in from the hill, sir.... They report Zulus to the southeast. Thousands of them."

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Old May 31, 2006, 12:55 AM // 00:55   #136
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lol GW is trying to become the next Civilizations XXIV!!!

Persian theme would be nice...and even tropical africa

and i have read that "in later chapters of Guild Wars, players will be able to choose from more than just the human race."

but a new campaign every 6 months? each chapter will be like 6 missions long...and just as someone gets the hang of it, a new one comes out. How will this affect people who buy future chapters late or a few months after it is released?

Last edited by Lambentviper; May 31, 2006 at 12:59 AM // 00:59..
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Old May 31, 2006, 07:30 AM // 07:30   #137
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Kings of Tyria, Emporers of Cantha, Pharoes of the new continent?
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Old May 31, 2006, 10:23 AM // 10:23   #138
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Originally Posted by lyra_song
Elephant pets! Rhinos! Hippos! o.o

Actual african faces? >.>;
Actually, all three are rare animals and as such even their very likenesses are protected by international law. Should even a badly designed virtual likeness of one of the animals come even close to maybe being harmed in a game, all parties involved will be subject to a brutal caning the likes of which none of us have ever felt before. Heck, I have my camera confiscated every time I leave the zoo because they don't want images of these animals falling into the wrong hands!!!!

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Old May 31, 2006, 12:07 PM // 12:07   #139
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Originally Posted by Shadow Dragon
no guns. man it'll make gw another wow clone
Maybe with the new releases of continents and chapters eventually you will see some super race that wield futaristic wepons, maybe in orr lol. The gods do have that kinda power but I doubt it would go that way it just seems to final fantasy like.

And anet have a real obsession with humans I wanto play as another race like dwarves or tengu or something non human related Im kinda sick of human skins to be honest it seems they spend alot more time on the female skins over the male ones, Id laugh if I saw a male on the next game cover. It seems to me the game industry seem to be taking this new girl power appoach. Tho I do admit that the female characters are hot and much have better skins to chose from . Have you people ever had a close look at the male elem, I wanted a cool looking wizard not some prissy boy.

Thats just a semi complaint do something with skins, Especially some of the male characters.

The real complaint here is that there are things that need to be looked at and fixed about the old previous games instead of popping out a new chapter when everyone gets bored. We have seen this with many game series and it always ends up in destruction.

Has anyone actually thought about whats going to happen to the faction system when everyone goes off to play the new chapter, everyone will be off in south africa and the whole faction farming will be a lost cause. Thats why they have to in some way interlink the games together give people a reason to go back to the old games, otherwise people will feel that all there hard work in one game was for no reason. Yes there is story elements that tie the games toghter but it just seems to me there is to much isolation in gameplay between the two games.

Does everyone rember when factions came out how much of a effect it had on the currency I rember ectoplasems droping to 4 k each and how gold and green wepons from prophercies worth had decreased, and this was basically just due to the fact there wasnt a point to having ecto in factions or the fact everyone just wanted the new items and skins. I do love to play guild wars but I just feel that when anet bring out a new chapter they just drop the other chapters into the dirt, The only continuation really is pvp based, which is the whole favour of the gods system.

lets hope that the next chapters do have some originality and are not just ideas already seen throughout history and culture.

Last edited by markus_thom; May 31, 2006 at 12:49 PM // 12:49..
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Old May 31, 2006, 02:18 PM // 14:18   #140
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I think we need an epic/end game content where you continent hop for missions.

If you are 20 and ascended you can run from continent to continent (read as Chapter to Chapter) and accomplish certain goals that are more on a grand scale. They need more of a feel that you are so elite that there are a set of things you need to do where you need to travel to all areas to complete them. I am no writer but i can see some great story lines involved with that and some really cool rewards.

That would help combine the chapters into 1 world better.
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